Wednesday, July 20, 2011

5 Reasons Why We Make Excuses

We all have the freedom to choose, and making up excuses is a choice too.
Someone Once Said:
"An excuse is worse than a lie, for an excuse is a lie, guarded."
We human beings make excuses all the time. We talk about what we want to change and make a million and one excuses as to why we cannot get what we want. If someone says to me, "I want to start exercising," and then proceeds to tell me 5 reasons why they can't, one being that they cannot afford a gym, I know that is just an excuse. While it may be true that they may not be able to work out like an athlete, some activity is better than nothing. If the person is able bodied, they can walk or hike and that is free.
 Heck, I am not excuse free. However, I can recognize when I am lying to myself and justifying my reason with an excuse. I am after all human. While I am not perfect, I am conscious and aware of my excuses.
Being awake is a gift and being aware of your excuses and then letting them go is something that you can learn to do.
The most popular excuse these days is, "I am too busy to do that." And it is true, we are all busier. However, we do make time for those things we want to do. Transformation requires new routines and most people are resistant to that. It is easier to justify it with an excuse.
There are 5 main reasons that we make excuses:
1. We make excuses because we do not want to face the truth.
2. We make excuses because we do not want to take responsibility.
3. We make excuses because it is easier to complain and stay a victim.
4. We make excuses because we are afraid of the unknown.
5. We make excuses because sometimes having our heads in the sand is easier.
But is it really?
Having our heads in the sand is like living a life with blinders on and not being able to see the wonderful things that come our way. We often spend so much time being afraid or living in the dark that the joys of a life of self love and honest realization seem to hard to get to. It is so much easier to just make up and excuse of why it can't be. Can you see how there is not much room to change when one lives in the land of excuses rather than the land of possibility? One way of being is liberating and the other very constricting. However, you can choose to make the change and stick to it. You can choose the land of possibility. That is the first step.

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