Monday, July 25, 2011

It's the End of the World - Oh Wait Never Mind!

May 21st 6pm CST came and went and guess what, the world didn't end, the rapture didn't happen and there was no giant earthquake that consumed the earth. Although some were completely surprised to still be here on earth, the vast majority of the world isn't and is laughing at those people. However Harold Camping and his believers may have inspired something great and that is to live everyday like the world is going to end!

         While most of us continue to waste our evenings and weekends away by watching TV, lounging on the couch, shopping at the mall and watching sports the more successful sector is reading books, networking, working on their business and learning. Don't get me wrong we all need that down time to relax and unwind and there is nothing wrong with catching a football game or watching that new episode of your favorite tv show in moderation. The keyword there is moderation, do the math if you get home from work (not to mention weekends) and just watch a few hours of TV or sports before bed in a weeks time you will have wasted 15 hours of productive time. In a year 32.5 days (780 hours) and that is less than the average (4 hours a day!) Now think about it this way if you were to just cut that time in half (so you still get some unwinding time) you can add 16 days of productivity back into your life.

            Imagine if you spent an extra 16 days a year learning a skill or gaining a better understanding of your career you could easily learn enough that could earn a raise or a promotion in one years time! Or even better (what I would strongly recommend) is start a side business. You have many different options if you do a simple Google search for work from home you will find over 369 million results there are tons of businesses you can work on the side and grow slowly and eventually make enough to allow you to quit your J.O.B. (just over broke). You can also start a simple blog talking about what you love or what your interested in and by consistently adding content you can grow it into a profitable business. (Side note: please don't fall into the hype online there is no magic bullet or special trick to making money online there are lots of people out there that would have you believe if you buy their course you will get rich overnight online that is simply not true, the only way to make a steady income online is through consistently posting new content that people want to read period.) Some people even get a part time job, wouldn't you rather say 'I made an extra $150 this week' instead of saying 'I watched the reruns of my favorite shows?' Especially if you just save the money away in a year you would have enough to travel to almost anywhere in the world for a week!

         The point is to live each day as if it were your last even if you don't need the extra income then spend the time with your family, friends or volunteer and help those less fortunate. You will never be on your deathbed saying 'I wish I had just watched more prime time TV I wasted my life!'


  1. Living each day like the last means that anything you learn on that day cannot technically be put to use the next day.
    Therefore it is important not to make an effort. As for World Catastrophe, You could just as easily die of a truck ramming into ur skull or an electric wire dangling around shamelessly. So it is important to spend time having fun. By fun, I don't mean watching TV. My idea of fun includes extreme amounts of Intoxicating Liquids
